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Lincoln School Desegregation Today (Part V): The Trial, Plaintiff's Case
Lincoln School Desegregation Today: Part I - Early Gerrymandering We continue with Part V... The data in Part V comes from a report called "Civil Rights USA: Public Schools Cities in the North and West 1962 - New Rochelle by John Kaplan, A Report To the United States Commission on Civil Rights" The report can be found at the Thurgood Marshall Library website at the University of Maryland. The Complaint On October 21st, 1960 Attorney Paul Zuber filed a complaint against the New Rochelle Board of Education on behalf of Hallie Taylor's eight year old daughter Leslie and other children. "The core of Zuber's complaint was an indictment of the neighborhood school. He said that ghettos exist where minority students live and are crowded and segregated. If there is a neighborhood school, it is segregated, too. The complaint reads: It has been well recognized that in many cities of New York State, and elsewhere, ghettos exist in which minority groups, usually minority racial groups, are crowded. As a result thereof, the public schools in such neighborhoods in such cities are segregated, reflecting the segregated pattern of the neighborhood. The complaint further alleged that "(1) the Lincoln school was 'attended only by Negro children,' (2) the 'educational background and length of experience' of its teachers was inferior to that of teachers in "white" schools, (3) the curriculum offered at Lincoln was inferior to that offered in the 'white' schools, and (4) as a result of the use of the neighborhood school policy—. . . the plaintiff children, and other Negro children attending the racially segregated school, do not achieve at their natural intellectual potential, as the white children attending the all-white school achieve in respect to their natural intellectual potential.
The Judge and the Attorneys Judge Irving R. Kaufman presided over the case. He was famous for ordering the execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, alleged Communist spies ten years prior. Eventually Julius Weiss became the lead attorney for New Rochelle. He was a former BOE member in the 1950s and was involved in New Rochelle civic affairs. Weiss asked for a one month delay and Judge Kaufman gave him one week and set the combined trial and hearing for November 22nd. On November 21st Weiss asked Judge Kaufman for three judges instead of just one. His request was denied. The Hearing Mr. Zuber called his witnesses. The first witness was Hallie Taylor who spoke about why she wanted her daughter Leslie to go to an integrated school for a better education. The second witness was William H. Sneed, a school psychologist. He said, John Kaplan paraphrases, "Leslie Taylor scored 136 on her IQ test, but her score would have been even higher had her vocabulary and reading ability not pulled it down (the scores) could reflect a lack of academic stimulation in the school." In cross examination Dr. Sneed conceded that her socioeconomic position may have hindered her academically as well. The third witness was Bertha Oden White, a housewife and private tutor. She was Mr. Zuber's star witness and spoke about how she had been studying gerrymandering in the Lincoln school district since 1948 and had searched school records back to 1909. She spoke to residents of the neighborhood and explained how the district lines had changed through the years. She also spoke about how Lincoln District's white children were granted variances to attend other elementary schools in New Rochelle. Attorney Weiss did not object to Betha White's testimony, though John Kaplan said that it may have been considered inadmissible and called hearsay, which may or may not have chanegd the outcome of the case. Transfer Policy prior to 1949 John Kaplan writes "Mrs. White described a study she made in 1948 of the children who lived in the Lincoln area. She found that numerous white children who lived in the Lincoln zone were attending other elementary schools while all the Negro residents were attending Lincoln." She implied transfers were denied to black children. John Kaplan writes "There are documented cases of Negro residents of the Lincoln area who before 1949 asked that their children be permitted to transfer to other schools but were denied transfer by the Lincoln principal because they "lived in the Lincoln district." There is no record of a white pupil's has been denied transfer during this time." Regarding the transfer policy, John Kaplan describes "testimony toward the end of the trial of Sim Joe Smith, the assistant superintendent of schools. Mr. Smith, before the rigid transfer policy was instituted in 1949, had been in charge of approving all transfers, and he clearly knew more than anyone else what the facts were. Unfortunately, his testimony was so unhelpful in this regard that it gave rise to charges of evasion by the judge. Mr. Smith testified that he had jurisdiction over all transfers, but that he had absolutely no idea how many of the students transferring were Negro and how many were white since he did not classify people by race. Even had Mr. Smith been completely straightforward in all of his other answers (and areading of the transcript makes it clear that he was not), he would have had great difficulty getting anyone in New Rochelle to believe that he pays no attention to race."
Mr. Zuber's next witness, after Bertha White, was Nolan Fallahay, a professior of English at Iona College and member of the school board. He had been one of the board members who spoke against rebuilding the Lincoln school. He said that since he was on the board in 1955 several opportunities came for the school district to act upon the segregation at Lincoln, but the board chose not to act. The next witness was Marylyn Pierce, the only Negro member of the board of education. She spoke about how the Lincoln School was inferior to the other schools in the district. At this point there was a long exchange between Judge Kaufman and Mr. Weiss about neighborhood school policy and constitutional law. During this hearing the judge was able to question the witnesses and he did. He was actively involved in the process of factfinding. Dr. Dodson testifies about proposed smaller Lincoln School Mr. Zuber's next witness was Dr. Dodson who spoke about his report. During his testimony the topic of how the BOE wanted Lincoln rebuilt at the same location but sized for 100 fewer students came up. Which 100 students would be removed from the school, the judge asked. John Kaplan writes "Some members of the board had assumed that the distribution would come from the overwhelmingly Negro Hartley Houses. Others had assumed that the 100 students would be removed from the Lincoln school by the simple process of rezoning to send those on the fringes of the Lincoln area to nearby schools, even though this method might have reduced further the small percentage of white children in Lincoln. In fact, the board had not really thought about this problem." Testimony of Theron Johnson The next witness was Theron A. Johnson, administrator of the Education Practices Act for the New York State Education Department and head of the department's Intercultural Relations Division. He testified that he studied the New Rochelle Lincoln School and classified it as segregated in the late 1950s to the BOE, though he and a distinguished Negro educator Dr. Harold Lott, approved the rebuilding of Lincoln on the same location. Mr. Johnson testified that after he visited the school for 2 days and before he finalized his report he changed his mind and thought the school should not be rebuilt. At first he thought there was no solution to segregation, but later thought a solution needed to be created. The BOE received his report right before they proposed the rebuilding of Lincoln in 1957. John Kaplan adds "The board had argued both in court and during the referendum campaign that if Lincoln were a segregated school, so was Columbus with its preponderance of Italian-Americans, and Roosevelt, Ward, and Davis which were predominantly Jewish. The board maintained, therefore, that nothing was really very wrong in the Lincoln imbalance. Mr. Johnson, however, defined segregation only in terms of Negroes … and even more important, if it was commonly known within the community as a Negro school ... Mr. Johnson went on to state that a characteristic of a segregated school is that 'the achievement of youngsters is reflected in lowering motivation and lowering achievement.'" Mr. Johnson said
Superintendent Clish testifies Superintendent Clish was Mr. Zuber's last witness. John Kaplan writes what Superintendent Clish testified, in part as follows: John Kaplan relates this exchange "Dr. Clish, although he had had full knowledge of these racial arguments, had made no effort to prevent their use by his subordinates and once even went so far as to state to a group of north end parents advocating free transfer for the Lincoln students: The Ad During Dr. Clish's testimony a controversial advertisement about rebuilding Lincoln was debated. More on the defense side tomorrow. The defense had fewer witnesses, did not cross examine much and submitted depositions for several witnesses rather than have them appear. Lincoln School Desegregation Today (Part VI): The Defense Presents and Judge Kaufman Decide |